It was a Glasgow summer, not hot but sunny enough to wake a nostalgia for childhood lollies between friends – Fabs, Funny Feet, Mini Milks and Ice Pops. Fiona had a vivid memory of a green Ice Pop melting all over her pink dress as a seven year old. She was at college in Glasgow, attracted, in part by her family’s Scottish roots, her grandmother lived a few hours away by coach, in Aberdeen. She visited regularly, this trip coinciding with the good weather. On arriving her granny offered her her grandad’s old Kodak Instamatic. The camera still had half a roll of unshot 126 film in it. Fiona finished it off with pictures of her elegant grandmother watering flowers in the sun and serving tea. She took it to be developed, the photographs were thirteen years old and showed her mum, dad and grandma in the garden, with Fiona, aged seven, clutching a melting green Ice Pop.

19 Feb 2012