Nico moved to London from a small town outside of Toulouse. He immediately fell in love with cycling around the city, for the last three years he’s ridden the short route into work. He regularly jumped the lights but this particular morning he wasn’t so lucky. He hit a van, his head smashing through the driver’s window. The assault was as mental as it was physical, it was disorientating and unsettling to suddenly be thrust into a stranger’s space. The driver had his foot down and Nico thought he was making a run for it so threw his bike against the van in an attempt to stop him. It turned out he was pulling over to make sure Nico was okay. Nico had a half day at work, then had himself checked out at hospital, he was fine, just badly shaken. Finally at home that evening, he took his backpack off, this shard of glass fell to the floor. He’s kept it in a jewellery box since the accident. Nico says he’s more careful now, but he still runs the lights.

22 Jan 2012